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Study in Netherlands

Holland is a great attraction to international students about learning atmosphere. It also has special cultural features as well as stable politics and economy. With its internationally qualified education system, it is a bridge to your future job development.


Foundation programs of Uni degree: Candidates fail to meet the English requirements
(6 months to 1 year) after the foundation course, students continue their Uni
Degree or Master course in Holland

Bachelor degree: 1 – 4 years for the completion of year 12 and above
Students of foundation, second-, or third-year at the university of Economics

Post Graduate: 1 – 1.5 years: for University graduates

Note: Entry requirements:English, TOEFL 550 or IELTS 5.5 with result of 2 latest Semesters

Intake: February and September

Part-time job: Teaching foreign language, restaurant service, sales, tutors, office work, delivery.

Salary: USD 6-8 / an hour

Other universities: Saxion Hogeschool Enschede, DEFLT University of Technology., HAS Amsterdam School of Business, Rotterdame School of Management, University Van Amsterdam, Tilburg University, Eindhoven University of Technology, Leiden University of Management, Fontys Hogeschool, University of Professional Educational.

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