Singapore is known for an education system built on a foundation of broad and solid knowledge in order to create opportunities for students, they can develop their creativity. Also, Singapore’s curriculum equips the first foundation to build up future career dreams. There, it adopts a flexible approach to allow students to develop your potential to the fullest.
Public education system: students must sit for an entry exam, meet the entry requirements, only 2 intakes: February, July including:
O and A level: All public schools in Singapore
College of Polytechnic: Tamasek, Nanyang, Singapore, Ngee An…..3 academic years
Public University: National Uni of Singapore, Nanyang Technology, Singapore
Management University: 4 - 6 academic years
Private education system: Training programs and degrees awarded by England, Australia, USA, New Zealand
O level and A level: for internal – able to transfer to higher education at school
Diploma: 1 – 2 academic years, evidence of completion result transferred to
Bachelor University: 2.5 – 3 academic years with all courses
Summer programs: Annually organized on summer holidays ( June – July ) for students of 10 – 22 years, tuition fees: 2000 – 2500 for 2 – 4 academic weeks.
For English, students have enough studying facilities. English programs will cover a great variety of topics and themes to which all students can relate and study from: outside activities, tours. Most of all , the courses instructed thoroughly by teachers will provide an interseting environment for them to study English there. Also, their family can enjoy with them if possible
Preparation program of public schools: students want to study at Public High Schools in Singapore
Intakes: monthly
Other universities:
Uni of MDIS, Portman, APMI, Language and Business School, Stanfield group, East Asia School of Business, Shelton School of Commerce, Raffle Institute, Harford University, American Education Center, TMC, APSB, PSB, ERC, TMIS, EASB...